Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Almost 6 Months!

This little guy with Daddy is my friend Tobiah, he was born a little early so he was and still is really tiny!

I really like my bouncer seat, but I am getting too big for it. I also really like my toes!

Mom says that I will be walking before I crawl...... which apparently some child book writer somewhere says isn't good.... I would much rather be on my feet than on my knees at this point though, so they will have to deal with it.
Well five and a half months have gone by since Noah took his first breath, it is hard to believe. Right now as I type he is busy trying to eat all of his toys at the same time. He is such a cheerful baby, he has been such an amazing blessing to our lives. He always has an fantastic way of lifting our spirits with his bright eyes and silly grin. You'll have to come around more often so you can be encouraged by him too!

Noah and I are taking it easy this semester, I am just taking two classes so that I can be home with him most of the time. (He is getting a little too distracting to take to class, he will take over the whole class with his chatty nature.) I have a class in child bearing customs from around the world (really interesting!) and a lab course in ceramics (really fun and messy). Caleb has a really full load with four classes. Three days a week he is in class for about 7 hours! It is hard for him to get his labor in in between all these classes, but we were really blessed that it worked out for him to spend time with Noah while I am in my ceramics class.

During my other class Noah spends time with our newest little neighbor Tobiah (1 month!) who less than a third of his size! Noah is intriqued by this new little person, it is really interesting to watch Noah's reaction to the baby.

January was a busy month for us. Caleb built a 15 foot Kayak, which was hanging in our living room for a little while until Rachel complained about the smell of the liquid fiberglass:-( so now it is outside on the back porch to air out. It is really pretty, (says the wife!).
During January on the weeknights we had people in our home every evening for several hours. We read through the New Testament outloud during this time (well, actually only an hour each night, the rest of the time we drank coffee and played settlers or other such business.) That was a really neat experience, to hear so much Scripture read at once, and in sequence. One night we read through Galations, Ephesians and Phillipians all together.

Noah is growing altogether too fast, he is getting so big, and long (much to our surpise, we will see if this trend continues!) he looks like a little person, not so much like a baby. He is getting around a lot by rolling, and scooting, and has recently discovered that there is not much more entertaining than his feet!

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